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(1 edit) (+4)

I made a GitHub template repo for anyone who wants to write a game with the Ebitengine library:

It has:

  • the 3 different 2-bit colourschemes to choose from
  • a scaled up 84x48 window
  • a square that moves up if you press space (replace this with your own game logic)
  • github actions CI/CD config to build for Windows/Mac/Linux/Web and publish to

Gamedev Llama created a very good Godot Engine starter project. I have expanded it a bit. Instructions and explanations are in a Label in the Main scene.

This starter is pretty awesome!!!!
I love using it. Very helpful. Thx.

can i use unity 2D?

Yes. Many people have used unity in the past.


is it ok if i use the temporary indie gamemaker license for projects that are not related to jam?


thank you!!!

(1 edit) (+1)

I made a resource for Unity -- a shortcut so any 2D Rigidbody Collider will show up on a overlay that mimics the 84*48 pixel screen.  There's text boxes that line up with the pixels that use the Ark SDF and EffortsPro fonts in the fontpack. An audio system is setup, too, so that if a sound effect plays, the music is turned off. Hope that's helpful and please let me know if I missed something or it's glitching.

I polished it a little bit this morning -- some of the audio setting was untested. It's looking a little better now.


I wrote some example code for writing nokiajam-compatible games with Octo, my CHIP-8 IDE:


Created this small game template for the JAM using DOME Engine and Wren :)


For anyone who is going to participate by using the Godot Engine, you can use my starter project:


thanks, mate!

you are welcome!


Thanks you!

So, while this might be bending the jam rules, the Nokia 3310 could also make DTMF dial tones (not as a part of the internal synth, but from making calls). If you'd like these you can find some for free here:

Let me know if this breaks the rules too much =)


Also found this recreation of the Nokia Composer, which might be useful for reference making sounds. Or even as a nostalgic tool to create music if you want!


I found some good public domain 3x5 and 4x5 fonts here:

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Hey! I made a SF2 (SoundFont2) version of the Nokia 3310 sound samples made by Eamonn Watt for simplicity, so that’s it’s available for anyone at any OS. Here you go
