
*forgot to post this when I originally finished. I am just going to post it now*


It has been a full year since I made my first game. That is a long time. I had honestly forgotten a lot of what I had learned so when I wandered back onto the one mechanic jam caught my eye and seemed like the perfect opportunity to jump right back in with something simple.

I hate incremental clicker games so I knew I had to make one. 

DAY 1 

I focused solely on the code using random shapes and haphazardly put together sprites to make sure everything ran smoothly and to test ideas. At first I was adding in gold as a resource to compliment the loot theme but I soon realized I would never make the deadline as I had never worked within such a short time period and I had to make sure I allowed plenty of room for myself so I went with simplicity. 

A majority of the day was used to figure out the code and re familiarize myself with game maker. After the code was working I started mocking up what the game would look like and starting working on the animated sprites and then I called it a day.

Here is what it looked like halfway into day 1:

Pretty great right?

Day 1 mock up:


Day 2 was finishing up the art and cleaning up the sprites and animation a bit, combining the art and  code into one complete project. There was a lot of kinks to iron out and random things I kept forgetting I wanted to do but they all seemed to add up and take up so much time so quickly. A large chunk of this day was dedicated to play testing and bug catching.

Final product end of day 2:


Here is a short list of some things I wanted to add but didn't get around to;

Player click feedback, more defined UI, level up animation, sound, a "loot" system of some sort, a better victory screen, mountain crumbling animations.


In hindsight there is so much I wish I could change, the list goes on, but in the end if I had my way the game would forever be in development and never released. That is why due dates and time limits are important. Overall I m relatively satisfied with how  it came out in such a limited amount of time. Thanks for reading! I will be participating in the demake jam in August so look forward to that! 

Until next time,


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